The exterior of a house is a reflection of its caretakers, so it's understandable that it would need regular maintenance to stay in good shape. At Exclusive Pressure Wash, we can help you maintain your property in Pembroke with our quality house washing services. We offer a comprehensive range of residential and commercial pressure washing services for your property. Our cleaning services include moss and mildew removal, gutter brightening, and driveway washing. We are available for any outdoor surface cleaning and maintenance needs.
We understand that you have enough on your plate so you can rest easy knowing that our house washing experts can do all the scrubbing and washing while you relax. You will find that our house washing team is well-equipped, regularly trained, and ready to tackle any of your house washing demands. No home is too small or large for us and we can provide you with a free estimate so there'll be no surprises when it comes to the condition for many years to come. Our team will work with you to create a customized house wash package designed to give your home the kind of tender loving care it deserves. If you're in need of quality house washing to upgrade the look of your home in Pembroke, give our team a call today.
Exterior Home Cleaning
At Exclusive Pressure Wash, we provide pressure washing for Pembroke residents that will keep your property free from dirty surfaces. Our exterior home cleaning and roof cleaning services are of the highest quality and we strive to use the best equipment and cleaning techniques for optimal results.
Exterior pressure washing with Exclusive Pressure Wash allows your home to look its best all year round. Our pressure washing services will eliminate mold, mildew, and other types of fungi from your home's exterior. Additionally, we pressure wash all types of surfaces including vinyl, brick, siding, and stonework on your home. You'll be impressed when you see how beautiful your Pembroke home looks after one cleaning session!
Our team at Exclusive Pressure Wash has never failed to provide high-quality pressure washing services. Our pressure washing company has extensive experience, and our customers are of the utmost importance to us. As one of the leading companies in Pembroke, we're known for providing high-quality service at competitive prices. Get in touch today for a free quote on any of the cleaning solutions we offer at 781-799-6377.
Latest House Washing Projects

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Have black streaks like this on your roof? We cleaned this roof in Pembroke and we took the streaks out instantly and the roof looks like new! Call us for all your roof cleaning needs anywhere on the South Shore! Location: Pembroke, MA […]
This has to be one of the worst cases we have ever seen in the South Shore. Completely coveredin Lichen, mildew, dirt and tree sap. We protect the plants below in plastic. Treated this one to break down the organic debris and gently rinse off the […]